
Jamie Hudalla

Minnesota-Based Writer + Educator

Latest from the Blog

Die From Swallowing Headphones?

An Ode to Disruption Every day, an ice-cream man drives down my street in a tie-dye minivan while playing robotic Christmas music. Let’s call him Dan. Every day, Dan the Ice-Cream Man inches past my southern porch at 11:00 AM—too early for frozen treats and too late for a risky breakfast decision. Every day, no…

A Letter to Christians Voting for Trump

The child knit in the womb doesn’t lose importance due to their gender identity or country of birth. You cannot claim to be pro-life and for a president who has no respect for it. A vote for Trump is a vote for someone who endangers life.

For Rent: The Little Yellow House

The house has more than amenities that will suit your most basic human needs. It has personality. For example, 72 outlets, 40 functioning ones. The basement includes a freezer the size of a walk-in closet and can fit up to six bodies. The roof has a chimney. The inside of the house doesn’t, but it’s…

Recent News

Chance The Rapper: Independent Master of Hip-Hop Flow

Chance the Rapper rose to fame in the late 2000s. He collaborates with many other musicians and gives back to his home city, Chicago, Illinois. Learn more about Chance’s life as a famous rapper.

Now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Bookshop.

Published by Capstone Press.

Check out Upstream Minnesota’s Campaign: “I care for my outdoor spaces by trying to witness and distill them in my writing. Setting plays a major role in my stories since I’m fascinated by the way people are shaped by their landscapes. Recognizing this has allowed me to appreciate my surroundings and share in that appreciation with others.” READ MORE.

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